
Protecting human rights in childbirth

Registered Charity Number 1151152

Work for us

Associate Trainers

Birthrights’ training service is a critical way in which we can work to increase awareness and understanding of how the law applies to maternity care and why this matters for women and birthing people and their supporters, as well as those who design, manage, deliver and regulate maternity care.

As our reach and impact continues to grow, we are expanding and diversifying our pool of freelance Associate Trainers to help us achieve our mission to help improve maternity care for all. Our training sessions are run by two trainers – one with in-depth knowledge of human rights law and how it applies to maternity care, and one who is a midwife or doctor with practical experience of delivering human rights-centred care.  

We’re looking for associate trainers who:

  • Can be available to deliver training on behalf of Birthrights at least twice a year (most training takes place in the working week and a full day of training would last around seven hours and a half-day around 4 hours) with the expectation that most of our trainers deliver an average of four sessions a year.
  • Are prepared to offer training both face-to-face and online.
  • Can ensure the delivery of high-quality training, consistent with the Birthrights’ training offer, keeping in-line with Birthrights’ values and Tone of Voice at all times.
  • Will co-deliver training with a fellow Associate Trainer from a legal or healthcare background, working together to help bring case studies and legal frameworks to life.
  • Can contribute to the development of Birthrights’ training material through conference calls, giving feedback via email or in person trainer updates when requested (anticipated to be 2-4 times a year across all formats).

We still want to hear from you even if you don’t meet all our criteria. Please tell us about experiences that have not been included here, but that you feel might be relevant to this role.


Please download the Associate Trainer recruitment pack for the full information about the role, the requirements, the person specification and more. The details of how to apply for the role are also contained within this pack. If you have further questions after reading it, please email: careers@birthrights.org.uk. You might also want to scroll down this page, to watch a short video showing you more about Birthrights’ work.

Deadline for applications: 23:59 on Sunday 28th July 2024.

Interviews: Interviews are planned for w/c August 12th and will be held virtually on Zoom. We will share questions ahead of the interview. If you are successful in your application you will also be required to attend an on-boarding session on Wednesday 4th September 2024.

Our recruitment principles

Birthrights prides itself on respectful and inclusive recruitment practices, and it is important that we follow these practices in recruitment to all positions at Birthrights. These include:

  • Always letting candidates know the outcome of their application, even if they are unsuccessful.
  • Sharing information about the role and organisation in different formats (e.g. recruitment packs, videos, drop-in sessions).
  • Encouraging applications in formats that enable candidates to shine (e.g. written, video, audio).
  • Giving candidates at least a week’s notice ahead of interview.
  • Sharing interview questions with candidates in advance.
  • Providing feedback to all candidates who have been offered an interview.

We welcome applications from individuals from communities who have experienced and continue to experience multiple forms of oppression, including those from racially minoritised, LGBTQI+, Deaf and disabled, migrant and neurodiverse communities.

About Birthrights

Birthrights is the UK charity that champions respectful maternity care by protecting human rights. We provide advice and legal information to women and birthing people, train healthcare professionals to deliver rights-respecting care and campaign to change maternity policy and systems. Find out more about our services in this short video or read our vision and strategy.