
Protecting human rights in childbirth

Registered Charity Number 1151152

Why Birthrights training?

The human rights framework equips midwives and doctors to judge what treatment is never acceptable, when an individual’s right to choose needs to be weighed against the rights of others, and how to enable people to make informed decisions about their care. At a time when healthcare professionals are under increasing pressure from competing requirements and stretched resources, human rights law empowers and protects healthcare professionals who put women and birthing people at the centre of their care. 

Our trainers 

Our training sessions are run by two trainers – one with in-depth knowledge of human rights law and how it applies to maternity care and one who is a midwife or doctor with practical experience of delivering human rights-centred care. Trainers are drawn from our team of staff, Trustees and Associate Trainers. 

Training outcomes 

Our training equips doctors, midwives and supporting women and birthing people with: 

  • knowledge of the law and human rights principles 
  • an understanding of how to apply it in practice  
  • the ability to communicate effectively in a way that upholds their human rights 

Our training is particularly effective if undertaken by multi-disciplinary teams that work together. 

What do people say about Birthrights training?

Our training has consistently been shown to inspire healthcare professionals to change their practice: 

  • In our latest evaluation of training over 2022/2023, 92% of participants said that the training would change the way they worked with women and birthing people.  
  • 98% of participants recently surveyed said they would recommend Birthrights training to others. 
  • The vast majority of respondents, 94%, reported that their knowledge of human rights law in maternity care increased after attending a Birthrights training session.


“Highly recommend to healthcare professionals working in maternity care. I have greater understanding of applying human rights, as well as tools for difficult conversations. Always remember, you may not agree with her decision, but it’s not your decision, it’s hers.”

Trainee Obstetrician, London

“‘Thought-provoking’ doesn’t really cover it – left me totally rethinking my practice and my interactions with women. So grateful that I got to hear the session – Jo and Simon were awesome and spoke with both passion and extensive knowledge.”

Midwife, Chesterfield Royal