
Protecting human rights in childbirth

Registered Charity Number 1151152

Available face-to-face or online for either a full- or half-day of training

• To ensure all participants understand where human rights come from and how they apply to maternity care  

• To ensure all participants understand the implications of Montgomery v Lanarkshire, and other legal cases that are relevant to consent and informed choice  

• To ensure all participants have the opportunity to put this understanding into practice by working in small groups looking at real life cases with women and birthing people  

• To equip participants to have choice conversations with women and birthing people that facilitate providing the information they need, give professional recommendations and explore alternative options – in order to achieve informed consent   

• To equip participants to identify and sensitively challenge behaviour by colleagues that is disrespectful or unsafe  

• To reflect on appropriate informal and formal escalation routes if needed to protect women and birthing people’s rights and safety  

• To provide a safe space for healthcare professionals to develop their communication practice  

  • To equip participants to have choice conversations with women and birthing people that facilitate providing the information they need, give professional recommendations and explore alternative options – in order to achieve informed consent.
  • To equip participants to identify and sensitively challenge behaviour by colleagues that is disrespectful or unsafe.
  • To reflect on appropriate informal and formal escalation routes if needed to protect women and birthing people’s rights and safety.
  • To provide a safe space for healthcare professionals to develop their communication practice.

Our training team will speak to you about what issues and concerns are most common in  your team the key learning you want your team to get out of the day, and whether there are any common issues or concerns that have come up for your organisation.

Our team can then tailor the case studies to ensure that we are meeting those learning objectives. We have used themes from previous complaints relevant to the hospital or survey findings from MNVPs to tailor case studies. It is important to us that our training feels as relevant and useful as possible to you and your team.   

We request feedback from all participants straight after the session, which we then anonymise and share with the organiser. All participants receive a certificate which outlines what session they attended and what the objectives of that session were, and they can use this for CPD and revalidation purposes. Participants also receive a PDF of the slides and access to a Padlet full of resources so that they can continue the learning.  

Birthrights will always follow-up with the organisers and discuss how the session was received, and if there is anything else that the hospital or Trust could put in place to support their staff. We pride ourselves on our trainers ensuring the space feels safe and that participants can share their concerns or barriers they feel to upholding rights-respecting care. Training is just one part of creating a rights-respecting maternity care culture, and we want to ensure that leadership has all the information to understand what is needed in their hospital or Trust.   

Birthrights is the UK charity that champions respectful maternity care by protecting human rights. We provide advice and legal information to women and birthing people, train healthcare professionals to deliver rights-respecting care and campaign to change maternity policy and systems.