
Protecting human rights in childbirth

Registered Charity Number 1151152


Longer reads, analysis and your stories

The Birth Trauma APPG Report: Birthrights’ Statement on Page 66

In response to page 66 of The Birth Trauma APPG Report, we are hugely concerned by the legal inaccuracy contained within the report which suggests that consent may be disregarded in so-called “emergency situations”. The best way to reduce/prevent birth trauma is to respect the rights and voices of all women and birthing people throughout their pregnancy and birth.

International Women’s Day 2024: Our Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls

By submitting evidence to the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls, we directed attention to the different forms of violence directed against women and birthing people in maternity care, and provided information about the current issues faced by women and birthing people based on the knowledge and experience that we gain directly from women and birthing people and healthcare professionals through our advice service and trainings.